Our Story

How it all started...

In November 2022 we started meeting in a home to gather, to heal, to love and to fellowship with one another. One of our members with love  and joy would greet us with "Hello Family"!!! This greeting spoke volumes because we are family of God and Christ Jesus has gather us together for this time.  Christ Jesus has call us to be the family of God  with the church worldwide. We want to share an authentic walk in Christ's love for Him and others.  We want to worship authentically. We want to hear and do God's word the way Jesus Christ did. We want to share Christ Jesus the authentic One spoken of in scriptures. So others can taste the freedom we have in Jesus Christ. 

Expanding the vision...

We believe in helping the poor, destitute, sick and the hopeless. We share Christ to a dying world. We support local and foreign missions through our giving and loving.

Where we are headed...

Family Fellowship desires is to grow people of all ages. God started with a family Adam and Eve. Acts 16:31  “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Our vision is for families to built on the solid foundation which is Christ Jesus. We grow by seeing, hearing, learning and doing what Jesus Christ did. 

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 1100 am.